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SEO Services for your website

We can help you to get more leads with our Search Engine Optimisation services.

smiling laid back man

Did you know that we can help you with your website's SEO?

an seo dashboard

At 32 Digital, we're all about websites. We are based on the Wirral in Birkenhead so whether you need help designing, developing or marketing one, we've got you covered. Our team loves working on websites, and we're passionate about delivering solutions that are just right for you in the Wirral area.

At our company, we offer SEO (search engine optimisation) services that are tailored to your unique business needs. We don't believe in a one-size-fits-all approach and instead, take the time to understand your business and work with you to identify the best strategy for your services.

If you want to enhance your website's ranking in the Wirral search engine results, you'll need to use search engine optimisation (SEO). SEO involves using techniques to improve your website rankings for targeted keywords or phrases.

Monthly SEO packages to suit your budget

Last year we launched our pay monthly packages. The Starter package, The Pro package and The Premium package.

With each package, we give you, upfront, our SEO plan for your business. You will get a weekly report of what we have done for you and what is outstanding or in progress. That way you are always in the know with our complete transparency. Our clients love that we keep them informed rather than just disappearing into the background

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Wirral SEO Solutions

Online visibility is crucial, and that's where local SEO comes in. It's the secret weapon for businesses to dominate search engine results and attract customers right in their own backyard.

Discover the advantages of SEO and explore how search engine optimisation can contribute to the success of your business in your local area.

What is Local SEO?

Google signage over their building

Local SEO fine-tunes your online presence to cater specifically to searches originating from your local area. Think of it like painting a big, bright bullseye on the Wirral on the vast digital map. Here's how it benefits your business:

  • Increased Visibility: Climb the search engine results (SERPS) ladder and outrank your competitors. Local SEO targets relevant keywords and optimises your website for local searches, putting you right in front of potential customers when they're looking for what you offer.
  • Targeted Traffic: Attract the right kind of customers. Local SEO ensures your website reaches people who are actually interested in your products or services in the Wirral area. No more wasting time and resources on irrelevant clicks.
  • Boosted Credibility: Positive online reviews and local citations build trust and authority. Local SEO helps manage your online reputation and showcase your positive presence within the Wirral community.
  • Measurable Results: Track your progress and see the impact firsthand. Local SEO provides valuable data on website traffic, leads generated, and conversions, allowing you to refine your strategy for optimal results.

Target relevant local keywords

If you want your products or services to be easily and found by people on the Wirral, keyword research is essential.

This will help you include the right words and phrases that people on the Wirral will likely use when looking for what you offer.

Moreover, integrate region-specific terms into your website content, such as the name of your city or town, nearby landmarks, and other pertinent local details. This approach enables search engines to comprehend the geographical context of your business better, enhancing visibility to users seeking products or services in your vicinity. Incorporating local keywords into your marketing strategy can significantly improve your business's ability to differentiate itself from competitors and attract more customers from the surrounding area.

Google My Business listing

This is your free local business profile on Google, a vital first step for any local SEO strategy. It allows you to manage your business information on Google, including your address, phone number, website, hours of operation and more.

Claiming and regularly updating your listing can improve your online reputation and enhance your visibility in local search results. Optimising your listing with photos, reviews, and other relevant information can help you attract new customers and distinguish yourself from competitors.

Engage with your online community

Encouraging customer reviews is another important aspect of Wirral SEO when marketing to Wirral businesses.

Positive reviews improve your online stature and signal to search engines that your business is dependable and suitable for local search queries. Encourage your customers to leave reviews on various critique sites such as Google My Business, Yelp, Trustpilot, TripAdvisor, and other suitable platforms. The positive feedback will enhance your online presence and improve your business reputation. We also advise responding to reviews, participating in local online forums, and building relationships with other businesses in the area.

Keep in mind that SEO is a long-term game and not a quick win." Consistent effort and ongoing optimisation are vital to reaping the long-term benefits. But with the right approach, we can transform your Wirral business into a local online champion, attracting customers, boosting sales, and leaving the competition in the dust.

What is Seo?

Seo, or search engine optimisation, is the art of marketing your website to search engines like Google or Bing. SEO has been around for as long as the Internet and has undergone some major changes over the years, but it has always been a way to make your website or web pages rank higher in search engine rankings (SERPS).

What has changed in SEO over the years?

In the early naughties, getting your website pages to rank well in the likes of Google was pretty easy as they were only looking for keywords on your pages to signal what that page was about. The use of meta tag keywords was a big part of this with you listing all of your keywords and then repeating them on the page. The use of blackhat tactics was also commonplace. An example being having all of your keywords listed on your webpage but changing the font colour to the background colour so that only serach engines knew the lists were there (invisible to the human eye).

Google didn't take that long to get on to this tactic and in 2011 it issued the 'Panda' update to its algorithm. Panda's directive was to reduce the number of low-quality websites appearing on their results pages (SERPs). It was one of Google's earliest attempts to control quality content. One year later Google released the 'Penguin' update to supplement Panda in getting rid of spammy websites and penalize black-hat techniques like link schemes and keyword stuffing. Google then went on to release another four updates to its Penguin update leading to 2016.

In March 2024, Google rolled out another update, this time promising to rid ad-heavy and irrelevant content by a whopping 40%. It also targeted Expired Domain Name Abuse. This is where a user buys a domain name with the sole intention of boosting low-quality content. This was classified as search spam. On the whole, Google rolled out the following three spam policies:

  • Scaled content abuse.
  • Site reputation abuse
  • Expired domain abuse.

Have you been affected by Google's latest update?

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See the full list of Google updates by year .

What does Google want to see from your content?

This is simple and if anyone tells you any different, then they are trying to bamboozle you.

  • Write informative and relevant content for your audience.
  • Use common sense.
  • Don't write your web pages or blogs for search engines.

Simple right? Google wants to see informative content. Thats it. No, really, thats it. That is the prime directive.

How we market that directive is something else. Let's cover that next.

How we successfully SEO your website

I'm going to use my company 32 Digital to answer this one. We have a diverse client list ranging from one-man plumbers to large business solicitors and e-commerce brands. It's very varied, but the same skills come into their own no matter what. It's just your budget that decides how much work is put in and on what scale. You get the point.

Here are the tools that we use:

  • Google Ads.
  • Google business listings.
  • Google search console.
  • Google Analytics.
  • Keyword Reporting.
  • Link Analysis.
  • Competitor analysis.

We form a clear understanding of your business and the marketplace that you want to target. This is achieved using reporting tools, as mentioned above. We then form a strategy with you and then light the fuse.

So how long does it take to get me to page one of Google?

I get asked this all of the time, and the sentence "xxxxx has said that they can get me on page one in a week" is usually somewhere in the conversation. So here are the facts for you: There is no way to determine how long it will take us to get you onto page one. This is because every client's business is different. You might be selling to an over-saturated market place in which case it is going to be a lot harder. By the same token, you may have a completely unique product or service that can be placed relatively quickly. It all depends.

The aforementioned sentence "xxxxx has said that they can get me on page one in a week" is one of two things. The first is that they are talking about Google Ads. With a healthy budget yes, you can get on page one, but it will be a sponsored ad so when your budget drys up, your ad disappears. The second is that they are just scamming you. It's usually the latter. While we do utilize Google Ads (if you want it of course) we don't rely on it as it may bring you initial sales, but it won't have any bearing on your organic listings, which is what we focus on. So all I can give you is an educated estimate based upon our work to date, which is around, 3-6 months.

3 - 6 months to get onto page one of Google? That's a long time, isn't it?

From your perspective, yes, it can be. But the rewards far outweigh risking really bad SEO that damages your rankings in the long run. I always say to potential clients that SEO, like Web Design, is an investment. And with any investment, it needs time to grow to reap the rewards. Having said that, We have had clients that we have managed to place on page one within two months. As I said before, it all depends on various factors already covered.

A last few words

What sets 32 Digital apart is its unwavering commitment to client satisfaction and success. The company takes a collaborative approach, working closely with clients to understand their goals, challenges, and unique requirements. By fostering open communication and transparency throughout the project lifecycle, 32 Digital Ltd ensures that every solution is tailored to meet the specific needs and objectives of its clients, driving measurable impact and fostering long-term partnerships.

In an era defined by digital connectivity and information overload, effective marketing strategies are essential for standing out in the crowd. 32 Digital understands the intricacies of digital marketing and offers strategic solutions that resonate with target audiences and drive tangible results. From search engine optimization (SEO) and pay-per-click (PPC) advertising to content marketing and social media management, the company employs data-driven insights and innovative tactics to amplify brand visibility and engagement across various digital channels.

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